
Showing posts from March, 2010

This is not Representation

Over the weekend, the US Federal Government proved once again that it has ceased to listen to the people of this nation. If you did not see this coming, you've been blind for quite a while. This "health care reform" is nothing more than big brother sticking his hand in, yet another pot, that it doesn't belong in. It is against the law, unconstitutional for the Federal Government to mandate that everyone has insurance. Make no mistake, this bill doesn't just allow you health care, it FORCES you to have health care. This bill also forces insurance companies to spend 85% of premiums paid, towards medical bills. It's unconstitutional for the government to tell businesses how to do business. What happened to the free market, where has capitalism gone? As a consumer of health care, I'd love to see premiums go down, I'd love to see the health insurance problem go away, but this does not help this go away. Your premiums will no raise, because of the 8...

Wake Up!

America needs to wake up! If we don't, there won't be much to be patriotic about for much longer. I've never been very politically involved, until our recent social crisis. You see, WE, Americans have elected a Communist to be our President. I feel so disappointed in this country and its people for getting so far away from our roots. We've come so far from what our forefathers envisioned for this great nation. For so long, America has been the shinning light, that beacon of hope for people who would otherwise not have gotten a chance to succeed. Our country was established on the premise of freedom, but if we continue to let a man who isn't even a citizen, have his way, many of our freedoms will be no more. Take for instance our right to bear arms. The president wants to take that away. He doesn't think any private citizen should have the right to own a gun. Well, according to the Bill of Rights (provided to the STATES from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT), I ...