
Showing posts from February, 2013

Day 2-No Carbs

This is actually Day 1, but I decided to label yesterday as Day 1, because I made the decision half way through the day yesterday.  Although, at that point I had already had two sandwiches on regular hamburger buns with BBQ that I smoked over the weekend.  I also had a donut from a student selling them for FBLA.  But, last night we had some delicious tilapia with brown rice and green beans with tomatoes.  I had a sweet tooth strike, of course, after dinner, but had some almond butter and an apple!  This morning for breakfast, a protein shake and for lunch I have leftover tilapia and brown rice and green beans.  Not sure about tonight, as we have open house at school and a boy's playoff bball game, so I will be at school late.  Encouragement is needed, as this will not be easy!

Day 1-No Carbs

Today, I have decided to go with no carbs for Lent.  I'm not Catholic, but, Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday, so I've decided to give up something for Lent.  I know that simple carbs are my worst enemy when it comes to my weight loss/gain.  I love rice, potatoes, bread, pastries, and pretty much anything that has wheat in it.  Unfortunately, I'm weak when it comes to these things, because they are literally everywhere.  My wife has already given these up due to being gluten intolerant, so it shouldn't be too difficult to do with the bread.  However, we eat potatoes and rice with everything.  So, sweet potatoes, which I love, and brown rice, which is ok are on the menu.  Starting today I am weighing in around 290 lbs.  I am working out this afternoon, doing a P90x style workout.  My goal is to do that at least 3x a week, as well as play some basketball or run on the treadmill.  Please follow me and encourage me during this time...